Sto breen absolute zero
Sto breen absolute zero

sto breen absolute zero sto breen absolute zero

Twelve onkians were equivalent to a temperature above the freezing point of water. As a result, water freezes at 273.15 K and boils at 373.15 KĪn Onkian was a thermometric scale used within the Romulan Star Empire. The scale was designed so that 0 K would be absolute zero, with the magnitude of each unit equal to one degree Celsius. The Kelvin ( K) was named after Earth physicist and engineer Lord Kelvin. You might also be looking for the alien species from the Andromeda Galaxy known as the Kelvans. However, like the mile, this antiquated means of measurement was used only on rare occasions. Sensors aboard 23rd century Federation starships could be calibrated to read in degrees Fahrenheit.

sto breen absolute zero

The degree Fahrenheit ( ☏) was named after Earth physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit, and was designed so that the freezing and boiling points of water would be 32 ☏ and 212 ☏ respectively at 1 Earth atm. The replicators aboard a Federation starship like the USS Enterprise-D were calibrated to the Celsius scale. The degree Celsius ( ☌) was named after Earth astronomer Anders Celsius, and was designed so that the freezing and boiling points of water would be 0 ☌ and 100 ☌ respectively at 1 Earth atm. Earth scales Celsius Main article: Celsius

Sto breen absolute zero